
Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh

Nestled amidst pure nature at the foothills of the mystic Himalayas on the banks of the holy roaring rive Ganga, Yogada Ashram in Rishikesh is 20 minutes’ drive from Rishikesh in village Shivpuri. Shivpuri is mentioned in Shiv purana the ancient epic manuscripts of India as a home of lord Shiva, the Adi Yogi who conceived yoga from the Universe thousands of years ago in these parts of the Himalayas and later prepared 8 saints with this knowledge to share this wisdom to mankind. Today at Yogada with our unique, traditional yet scientifically rooted yoga, we try to download the same vibes of ancient yogis who mediated and practiced yoga on the banks of the roaring Ganga in this Himalayan region.

Yoga at Yogada for us is lifetime & timeless journey to explore new frontiers within a take everyone to new horizons where life is pure bliss in peace. Where life has a purpose that gives you fulfilment & contentment with each breath on everyday life. Where it all lightens you up to a level where you just levitate & gently fly touching new dimensions of life a human.

Come and join us on this special journey where you are very important companion to create a collective consciousness for a collective epic journey.  You can be a part of this journey with us through our unique 200 hours yoga Teacher training courses & 200 hours yoga Teacher training, 3 nights 4 days wellness retreat with Ayurveda Yoga & meditation, 6 nights & 7 days wellness retreat with Ayurveda Yoga & meditation, and many other multiday retreats & courses in Rishikesh.

Yoga Teacher Training Course in India

Yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh

Best Yoga teachers training courses are at Yogada in the Himalayas Ashram retreat, which are very unique. & even staying here in the land of Shiva itself is highest order of Yoga.

Click here for more details Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

200 Hours Yoga Training Course

Yogada runs 21 days & 20 Nights 200 hours yoga teacher training course which not only guides you to right kind of yoga as per ancient Indian system and make your base strong to practice the correct way life long.

In all ways Yogada offer Best 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh….More

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course 


Yogada runs 28 days & 27 nights 300 hours yoga teacher training course where you learn, practice & fine tune the different aspects of Yoga with Asana, Meditation, philosophy, anatomy and even higher dimensions of yoga.

Yogada offer Best 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh….More

Short Yoga Courses in Rishikesh

Other than unique Yoga teacher training courses 200 hours & 300 hours  Yogada Ashram Retreat runs short yoga courses to initiate you to Sattya Yoga and make your foundations strong so that you can practice at home and continue the Journey of Yog and reach the highest level of existence as human being.

33 Hours – Initiation to Sattya Yoga
3 Nights & 4 Days

A short course to initiate you to Sattya Yoga as practiced by yogis in the Himalayas to make your base very strong which can take you well on this special journey of life……

33 Hours – Initiation to Sattya Yoga…….More

66 Hours – Manthan: Churn thy Self.
6 Nights & 7 Days

A very recommended course to not only make you understand the true yoga but prepare you with strong foundations so that you can practice at home the right way

Manthan : Churn thy self…….More

yoga teacher training rishikesh

99 Hours Maha Manthan: Churn thy self-deep.
9 Nights & 10 Days

A course to deepen your practice and creating a strong base with 10 days of yoga covering Asanas, Meditation & different kriyas, anatomy & yoga philosophy & mythology. You can add these 100 hours to another 100 hours of yoga teacher training course making you 200 Hours trained Yoga teacher.

Maha Manthan: Churn thy self-deep …More .

Wellness Retreats

Being located at the Himalayan foothills the home of rare herbs which are used a fresh in aryurvedic treatments at Yogada for our unique wellness retreats in Rishikesh. Or Yoga and meditation session make our wellness retreats very unique and transforming, which has long term effects on your Body Mind & soul for long time.


Atam Sukha – Pampering thy self.

A pure wellness program using rare mediation & Ayurveda , the ancient Indian wisdom  for pure wellness. There are gentle yoga sessions and morning nature hikes to nearby reserve forest & crystal clear beaches on the banks of holy Ganga river. One can choose from following options.

Also experience Special Session on Sound healing.

Atam Sukha ; 4 Days& 3 Nights

Atam Sukha : 7 Days & 6 Nights

Atam Sukha : 10 Days & 9 Nights

Atam Ananda

10 Days 9 nights systematically designed wellness program working on your Body with Asanas & Ayurveda in the first step and in second step takes you to a higher consciousness level and in 3rd step with sound healing & cleansing your Aura, you completely transform to a much higher level of existence as a human being…….More

Atam Ananda : Experiencing the Happiness within

10 days 9 Nights

Param Ananda

15 days & 14 Nights of wellness leading to extreme ecstasy the Param Ananda

A very well-designed program with preparing the body with Yoga, Ayurveda Massages & treatments, and mind with unique meditation sessions and going further to healing the body & cleansing the energy body, taking you to a new world of pure bliss in peace.

Param Ananda: Living in Ecstasy – A pure Bliss

YTTC course  2023 – Yoga Teacher Training Course

An Epic Journey - Yoga Trek in the Himalayas

Trekking & Yoga in the Himalayas

Dates of Departure: 11th Oct 
23rd December 2024

Dates of Departure: 17th March 2025
8 Nights & 9 Days trekking trip in the Himalayas, the birth place of Yoga, where from time immemorial thousands of Rishi’s (Saints ) and Yogis have practiced Yoga & meditated for elevating Themselves and the society to the highest level of existence with a purposeful human life. Every day we start with special Sattya Yoga Sessions and later trek in the Himalayas in pure wilderness with great views of the snow covered Himalayan peaks encountering rare Himalayan flora and Fauna. …..More

Rishikesh Meditation Retreat 9 Nights & 10 Days

Starting 3rd October till 12th October 2024
This year in the brighter months of the year that is October, when the feminine energy is strongest in the cosmos, with Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh we will together create a retreat on the banks of mother Ganga, the living vibrating feminine energy of India. The yoga retreat will include daily hikes in the Himalayan foot hills, yoga & meditation session on the silver sand beaches of Ganga and visit to special events and some ashram & temples in Rishikesh with Yoga Read More..

Overnight Experience at Yogada Ashram

Yogada Experience: Rishikesh Yoga Center
Overnight stay amidst pure nature to bring yourself and system to relax in peace breathing the pure Rishikesh Himalayan breeze, eating the pure organic food in the middle of forest area with floating butterflies, chipping of the Himalayan birds and the roar of the river Ganges pampering your body with Yoga sessions & Rishikesh best Ayurveda Massage and quieting your mind with meditation and ayurveda treatment and yoga teacher training in rishikesh ……..More

Best Yoga School in Rishikesh

Our Location

Yogada is located in bwhich is 9 kms upriver  from the Tapovan area of Rishikesh. The ashram retreat is situated amidst the reserve of Himalayan foothills with green mountains in back drop & Raja ji national park in the front across the river. The reserve forest around is home of rare Himalayan herbs which are freshly picked for our Aurveda treatments.

Our Accommodation

Our accommodation is designed ethnically with the local material as used by the locals in the mountain areas as well as were used in the Ashrams in the ancient times in India. The interiors are with modern facilities and comfortable beds and quality linen. The accommodation is amidst the orchard where luxury is blended with pure nature.

Our Food

Most of our supplies comes from the high mountains where they are grown organically and are used the best way by our trained chefs to give you healthy & hygienic meals all the time.

The Team : Yogada in the Himalayas

Founder: Rajee Ba

yoga teacher training in rishikesh india

Rajee Ba was born & brought  up in Rishikesh and has grown with Rishikesh from a small village to a big town spending  his child hood & Youth watching Yogis living and  practicing on the banks of the Ganga.  Ra jee ba has done his masters in Organic chemistry and started his carrier as a research scientist  before completing his 2nd masters in Tourism & Himalayan Studies.

Rajee Ba started the first professional Adventure Tour company, Himalayan Adventure Holidays for foreign tourists, providing trekking, Rafting and other adventure tours, with its base in Rishikesh.

Rajee Ba also started the first Himalayan Home stay in Rishikesh at Tapovan in the name of High Bank Peasants Cottage.

Rajee Ba now heads Sattya Yoga and Yogada Ashram Retreat  offering Yoga Teachers Training courses, Yoga Courses as well as unique wellness retreat using time tested ancient Yoga & Ayurveda.

Rajee ba now teaches Kundalini meditation & Subtle Anatomy time tested to the seekers at Yogada as well as travel worldwide and make travel Vlogs on you tube @Rajeeba – Timeless Journeys.

Co-Founder: Seema Tewari

Seema was born in the foothills of the Himalayas in British Garhwal in a Brahmin family serving in the army. Her grandfather fought 2 of the world wars and his stories were inspiration to Seema for leading a pure and spiritual life.

Ma Seema Is cofounder of Yogada ashram and teaches Yoga Philosophy and mythology to the seekers and students coming to Yogada for short and Yoga teachers Training courses.

Seema manages day to day operation of Yogada Ashram and lives a Sattvic and Spiritual life.

Seema has done advance yoga courses and is a Registered Yoga teacher of International Yoga Alliances.

With great enthusiasm she runs staff welfare programs and helps them in solving medical & social issues.

Seema has travelled worldwide and see the life from a higher perception.  The best part is she practices what she preaches.


Yogi Ajay has been a dedicated yoga teacher at Yogada since last 7 years. His teaching styles are very special & unique which makes a popular teacher among the students and seekers coming to the ashrams.

Celebrities at Yogada

Gajender Singh

Famous singer Gajander Singh

Famous Singer Gajender Singh spending time at Yogada

Bollywood Singer

World Famous Bollywood Singer at Yoagda

Sonu Nigam

Sonu nigam singer at Yogada

Famous Bollywood singer Sonu Nigam at Yogada

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